Fire Destroys 1,500 Square Meters in São Paulo, Brazil

Firefighters amid the shes of the fire, June 2024 Photo: @DHeber
June 25, 2024 Hour: 8:24 pm
At least 300 families were affected, 20 were displaced, and dozens of homes were destroyed.
Brazilian authorities reported on Tuesday the occurrence of a fire of great proportions, in a favela of the Olaria community, which destroyed an area of 1,500 square meters in that area in the south of the city of Sao Paulo, without being injured.
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According to the report, at least 300 families were affected, 20 were displaced, while dozens of homes were destroyed.
The Fire Department reported that the incident started after midnight and developed rapidly.
It was also reported that at least twelve Fire Brigade trucks arrived at the site and managed to put out the flames hours later, although later it updated that 18 trucks were allocated to put out the flames.
For the time being, social assistance provided assistance to the affected persons and the competent authorities investigated the causes of the disaster.
In this regard, the authorities have confirmed that the site has been secured.
Autor: CC
Fuente: RT